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Moss Stitch Easter Basket
Harlequin Stitch + 1 Bonus Pattern
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This stunning stitch is actually much easier than it looks to crochet. It is often confused with the Catherine Wheel stitch, but it's actually easier and looks neater.
Paddle Stitch + 1 Bonus Pattern
This pretty stitch is a great one for beginners and is a mix of the V stitch and the Clustered V stitch. It also works up super quick!
Tunisian Puff Stitch + 1 Bonus Pattern
The Tunisian Puff stitch creates this beautiful, almost hairpin lace effect that is a unique way to create a puff stitch V design.
Brick Stitch + 1 Bonus Pattern
A beautiful stitch that creates a brick wall effect and looks gorgeous if using multiple colours.
Ridged Ripple Stitch + 1 Bonus Pattern
A variation of the traditional Ripple stitch.
Woven Stitch + 1 Bonus Pattern
Known by 4 different names!
Bean Stitch + 2 Bonus Patterns
This beautiful stitch is often confused with the Puff stitch.
Alpine Stitch
Open Shell Stitch / Open Scallop Stitch v2
Open Shell Stitch / Open Scallop Stitch v1
Closed Shell Stitch / Closed Scallop Stitch
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